Or maybe a better word for it is desultory (I learned that one studying for the SATs over 20 years ago. Awesome, yes?).
Rather than rant like a crazy person, which I can very easily do, I’m just going to list a bunch of “why-bothers.”
1. Why bother to vote? Or recycle? Seriously, neither seem to be making a difference.
2. Why strive for brilliance? Coworkers, take this as a sign that I may give up soon.
3. Why bother to wear make-up? Its gonna take a lot more than cover-up and a nice color of lipgloss to make me look 25 years old and 25 pounds lighter, which is what I'm shooting for.
4. Why bother to create stuff? Hmm, that’s a biggy. Its like I have to put those shapes and colors together or I won’t fall asleep at night. Or speak in complete sentences. Or coherent ones. It makes me sympathize with the tortured artist (although I an not an artist, see below). I can understand why one might cut off an ear.
And then, to wrap it up on a lighter note:
5. Why bother to buy bananas? They always turn brown too fast and then I have to apologize to them as I throw them in the compost pile. That is one expensive compost pile.
4 weeks ago
I have the why bother to vote dilema - my state will never go my way.
I think you know where I stand on creating, and as for bananas, I stick em in the freezer when they go brown and add them to pancakes. My kids have never figured out that bananas are my "secret ingredient". If they knew, I'd have a revolt on my hands. :)
ha ha! Banana revolt!
mmmm, b'naners. So heart me some 'naners. But you do have to be vigilant. And sometimes I so totally fail.
Desultory, nice word that.
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