Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drving around. And around. And around.

Actually, I am inspired by lots of odd stuff. This week I realized how much I really love our nearby traffic circle. Ain’t it pretty?

Here it is in action. Go traffic circle! Go!

That ought to keep all those bad drivers at bay! Actually, I’m not sure why I like this particular traffic circle so much. I think it’s the idea that no one is telling anyone to STOP but for the whole thing to work, yielding to our fellow road warriors must occur.

Maybe I should mention here that I’m in the urban revitalization business so maybe I’m more nerdy about it than the average bear. I love that with a little community support, a simple idea can go from paper to concrete. It’s a good field to be in – there’s always a mess somewhere that could look or function better.

Yuck! What a mess! What this intersection needs is a good urban planner. Too bad I’m not a planner. I’m a do-er. Please don’t tell my planner friends I said that.

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