Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Name That Meeting - Winner!!

A big thanks to all who gave it a shot. Everyone was heading in the right direction - the topic of the meeting was implementing a car-sharing program. I'm declaring Leah the winner! Please e-mail me to claim your $10 Starbuck's card.

I’m thinking a contest is what this blog really needs to liven things up a bit. I scanned some notes I took in a meeting today.

If anyone can name the topic of the meeting, I’ll send a small prize of sorts to the winner.

Good luck!!!


Anonymous said...

Uh, something dealing with transportation? Of course, that topic is on my mind at the moment, so my perception/interpretation may be skewed by my own realilty. :)


Unknown said...

Umm, I'm going to say living in a place that is within short driving distance of the city, beaches, places to shop and have fun. The "perfect community".

Anonymous said...

I am going to say better transportation for families, shopping, recreation?

Leah said...

car pooling??

Anonymous said...

City Planning...that could be just vague enough to win ;-)

~Alissa said...

Oooh, you guys are good! Winner to be announced Monday morning - I'll take entries until Sunday 4:00 pm Cali time.