Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Silly Mommy, Skates Are For Kids!

I had this brilliant idea that instead of trying to run and keep up with the kids while they ride their bikes to and around the park, I would buy roller skates. Seems obvious, right? Oh sure, I could ride my bike but then I couldn't really help them cross the street and it would be a pain to get off everytime they need a little push. No no, roller skates would be perfect!

At least I had the sense to do two very important things: 1) buy them used for only $15 and 2) wear a helmet. See, not as dumb as you think!

So I didn't actually fall on my ass like you are probably thinking I did. I also did not break an arm or bang a knee. I am actually unscathed by my roller skating adventure. But oh, what an adventure I had! People on the sidewalk gave me a wide berth. A very wide berth. I had to grab on to my poor little dude a few times to keep from falling over. Thank goodness he still uses training wheels!! And were there always so many damn sticks all over the sidewalks and potholes in the streets when we were kids?!? Yikes!

Where are the photos, you ask? Because photos of this adventure probably would have been hilarious, I'm sure. Well, the camera stayed in my pocket because, even standing on my neighbors' lawns, I was fairly confident I would fall and squish it.


jen said...

rollerskatin' mom. somehow this doesn't surprise me in the slightest ;-)

lucky, living near the park. so love that spot.

Anonymous said...

darn sticks.

~Alissa said...

Come visit! Hang out at the park any time you like! Its a great park but don't even get me started over its serious lack of accessible sidewalks.