Okay, maybe shoes aren't the best example. But you know what I mean, right?
So I’ve decided to follow IAmBossy’s journey into debt realization & management and hopefully have a more happily frugal outlook on life and finances – soon.
Lately I’ve eliminated the daily trip to the coffee shop ($2/day) and made an effort to make a lunch for work rather than order out ($5/day). There’s upwards of $150/month right there! That’s a pair of really awesome shoes! I mean, Gymnastics classes for both the little dudes! Actually what I mean is: Pay off my student loan once and for all. Debt realization man, it’s a buzz-kill.
And then there are the things I know I shouldn’t spend money on but still do. Like my weekly diet coke and rum with coworkers on Friday afternoons ($20/month) or my crazy Weight Watchers membership ($16.95/month). Wait, I think there is a connection between those two… I could stop shopping at Amazon.com except for that would mean I would have to go to the library and that would mean paying all my over-due fines, which are a bit substantial. Just being honest here.
I’m sure I’ll come up with more ways to save more and spend less. Feel free to share your best and worst tips with me - I would love to hear them.
Library fines. Arrrgh.
One of my friends keeps trying to convince me to use the library rather than buying books. But I have the fear. Too many years in grad school with too many books out of the library. When I finally finished and had to return all my books, it took like five trips.
Never again.
I'm still a die-hard Amazon fan. Who can resist a $2 book (+$3.99 shipping) that shows up on the doorstep?
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