Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer Break: Then and Now

Since I always like to hear about what my friends are doing to make their lives more interesting, then I guess it is only fair I write about what I am doing to my my own life more interesting.

Well, ...

Man, this is just so sad.

Remember when you were a kid and summer vacation held all the promise in the world? It was like warmth and freedom and bare feet and chlorine all wrapped into one glorious event that took
f  o   r   e   v   e   r   to happen. And then when it did it was actually more like a whole lot of Price Is Right and "read a book for god's sakes and get out of this house before I..." Slam goes the back door and boy, its really hot out here - where are my shoes? and when the heck is Julie coming home from her road trip to Tennessee?...

Sorry, I digress. So this summer I am actually going to do interesting things (while still working just enough to retain my awesome job) like: take a backpacking trip with the gals and go on a road trip with the kids. We are going to spend whole chuncks of time totally barefoot! And when the house is too hot, we will be sitting in the shade at the park or camping near a high-elevation lake, sipping lemonade, eating deli sandwiches, and roasting s'mores.

Wish me luck!

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