Monday, February 16, 2009


Every year or so I get the uncontrollable urge to run away. Once, I went all the way to Europe. It was awesome. Another time I considered leaving my premature newborn at the NICU and disappearing into the dark. That was not so awesome.

So anyway, here I am, feeling the urge again and since running off to foreign places isn’t really in the budget anymore, the little dudes and I went on vacation in our own front yard.

We were like hobos, jumping on and off the trolley.

We ate ice cream and sat in the sun.

We opened our minds to public art.

100 Years, 100 Stones, by Eve Andrée Laramée

It was awesome.


Carolyn said...

We have a great city, lots to do, never need to leave. I take my little vacations with a bottle of wine.

~Alissa said...


jen said...

Sounds fun :-)

I love vacations at home. But I'm totally lazy about travelling.

BOSSY said...

Fantastic. So true. Inspiring.